Friday, 27 March 2009

Date Cancelled - Saturday 28 March

We are so sorry we are cancelling another day at Greenwich Market. We will be back at Greenwich Market in April. Meanwhile, we will be offering 5% discount on all orders from the online shop until the end of March.

China Blue vs Fairtade cotton in Cameroon

Saturday, 21 March 2009

Whale Massacre on Faroe Islands

I received these pictures and text below on an email and could not believe it. It happens in the Faroe Islands, an autonomous province of Denmark. Video footage can be seen here and here through the eyes of a tourist .

Email received:
" Pass it on to your friends around the world! It is OUTRAGEOUS!!!!! Make Denmark STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " DENMARK 'S SHAME " This is what happens in Denmark .

DENMARK: A SAD SCENE. THIS MAIL HAS TO BE CIRCULATED. THERE IS NO WORSE BEAST THAN MAN!!!! While it may seem incredible, even today this custom continues, in Dantesque, - in the Faroe Islands, [autonomous province of]( Denmark ). A country supposedly 'civilized' and an EU country at that. For many people this attack to life is unknown?V a custom to 'show' entering adulthood. It is absolutely atrocious. No one does anything to prevent this barbarism being committed against the Calderon, an intelligent dolphin [whale] that is placid and approaches humans out of friendliness. And then there are bozos that complain about Canadians killing seals.... Please, circulate this . Make this atrocity known and hopefully stopped. "

Date Cancelled - Saturday 21 March

I am very sorry but we were unable to come to Greenwich Market today. To make up for our absence, and to celebrate this very special first day of spring, we are offering a 5% discount on all orders from the online shop this weekend.

So sweet: a great toddler-in -nappies dancer

Thursday, 5 March 2009

Dates for Greenwich Market - March

During March we will be at Greenwich Market on
Sunday 8
Saturday 14
Saturday 21
Saturday 28
note: Saturday 7 has been changed to Sunday 8 (text edited on 6/3/2009)
If you want reassurance that we will be at Greenwich market on the above days, please contact us on the day on 01474 561489.